Energy monitoring - EMS

The energy profile of your company just a click away

The energy monitoring system allows companies to keep under control, in real time and continuously, the state of energy consumption in the plants and / or parts thereof, and to have knowledge of possible corrective actions to optimize consumption and their management.

Energy monitoring

The energy profile of your company just a click away

The energy monitoring system allows companies to keep under control, in real time and continuously, the state of energy consumption in the plants and / or parts thereof, and to have knowledge of possible corrective actions to optimize consumption and their management.

Monitoring of energy consumption

EPS has developed the energy monitoring system, for the civil and industrial sector, through the web-based Energy Management System (EMS) cloud platform accessible from PCs, tablets and smartphones capable of organizing and storing the consumption data detected in real time, providing indications on the efficiency of the management and maintenance policies adopted within the company. The level of awareness of consumption is the first step that we take together with the company to start energy efficiency interventions that produce real and immediate savings.

The operational activities of energy control and monitoring represent two fundamental aspects for achieving pre-established objectives of energy efficiency. The remote supervision technology allows precise control of the individual energy carriers entering the production plants, differentiated by category and process, creating important opportunities in terms of savings on energy costs for energy-intensive companies, large companies and those subject to energy audit procedure according to legal obligations.

The goal we propose is the conversion of energy waste into strategic resources for the company.

The benefits of the EPS monitoring service

1. Flash audit

EPS, through its team of EGE UNI CEI 11339 certified energy management experts, carries out smart and fast internal audits in order to simplify the definition of the functional architecture for the system of meters to be installed on site.

2. Project development

The service provides for the design, supply and installation of a network of MID certified meters for the acquisition of energy consumption data for the various carriers entering the company divided into functional and process areas.

3. Operational monitoring of consumption

The monitoring service uses a web-based platform for the collection, processing and representation of consumption data, with the possibility of interacting by the energy manager or company energy manager by selecting different levels of aggregation and time periods.

4. Obligations envisaged by the Energy Audit

The project provides for a capillary monitoring plan consistent with the requirements established by the UNI CEI EN 16247 standard for companies subject to an energy audit obligation according to Legislative Decree 102/2014, whose main objective is to measure consumption data. through the knowledge of load profiles and subsequently in the identification of effective efficiency solutions.

5. Access to the White Certificates mechanism

EPS implements the measurement and verification plan with the aim of guaranteeing the company access to the incentive mechanism of the White Certificates following energy efficiency interventions by be implemented on plants and / or production lines. The protocol used is the IPMVP (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol) which allows the various actors involved in efficiency projects to identify parameters and procedures to characterize their benefits and keep them under control over time.

6. Automatic calculation of company productivity indices

The service allows the energy manager or company manager for energy to integrate the measurement data with the specific quantities of material produced by the company, divided by type and sectoral category, in order to represent normalized energy yields, processed for each period of the year, and to determine the company productivity indices by means of homogeneous comparisons.

7. Personalized reporting

The remote platform sends a personalized report of energy needs analysis, comparison between internal and sector benchmarks (EnPI) for multi-site companies and any inefficiencies in order to periodically inform the company structure responsible for energy control and management.

All the data collected can be extrapolated and exported independently in the most common formats so as to consult them as more convenient.

Integrated, Innovative, Intelligent